Nerd Entertainment : A site dedicated to entertaining the common nerd 
The problem with these free to play games is that they are always changing, usually for the better.  So this review will be for the current version. 

When I first played the game it was in Closed Beta. I found out about it by accident almost, I was searching for Battlefield 3 and came across it. I was shocked to see that they made a browser based shooter, even more shocking that it is a Battlefield title. I loaded it up and was quite surprised.  Because it was the closed beta it had it's glitches and bugs, and trust me, there were plenty. You couldn't change spawn points because of bugs, bullets weren't firing, matchmaking was slow and terrible etc.

In the current version, they have seemed to fix most of this. It is now in Open Beta and anyone can join in. They have fixed most of the glitches and gameplay is quite nice. You can pick from four classes Medic, Recon, Assault and Engineer. If you have played a Battlefield game before, you know what this means, if you haven't then.. well here we go.  Medics use light machine guns, engineers use smg's, recons are snipers and assault uses... assault weapons. Within these classes you can upgrade your character with small skills trees.  Some skills are class specific while most are not.  And to stay true to the Battlefield recipe, you can fly jets and helicopters and drive boats, tanks, humvees and other armored vehicles of which I cannot recall because there are quite a few of them. 
The gameplay is pretty good, it plays like any Battlefield.  It is a very straight forward shooter, nothing special is really added in at all.  I hope they make it a bit smoother because as of right now it is a bit choppy, this mostly is due to lag in the servers. Battlefield Play4Free only as one mode as of right now, which is a domination type of game where you need to capture points and hold them in order to win. hopefully down the road they will add other types of modes like a deathmatch maybe.

I honestly like the game, but it has become riddled with hackers, and the maps get boring after a while considering there are only a couple.  And I am serious, a lot of hacking is going on.  It is a fun game while it last, but wears off after a little while. There is nothing to really achieve in the game.  You can't unlock weapons, you have to buy them using either credits won in game or credits you pay for. The game could definitely use some improvements but for the most part is a decent shooter.  Keep in mind it is for free and this review is really only for the current build.  I expect good things from this game. 

6.5/10... for now.