Nerd Entertainment : A site dedicated to entertaining the common nerd 

Nerd Entertainment Forums

Forum Rules

1) Be respectful to other guests on the forum.
2) No use of profantiy or personal/racial slurs or attacks.
3) Do not post any inappropriate material whether pictures, text, or videos.
4) Nothing Illegal. Copyright infringements and such. If you are not sure if what you are posting is
illegal don’t hit the post button.
5) No Spam posts
6) All staff members are to be obeyed at all times. IF you have a problem with some thing a staff member asks you to do,
initially do as they say, and then make a privet complaint to the admin staff.
7) If you have a problem with another poster or see some abuse or a fight going on in the sight DO NOT try and fix it
your self. DO not engage with them walk away and PM a staff member and we will look in to
it and deal with it.
8) Do not take any personals pics off this site for any reason without permission.
9) Do not take any parts of posts off this site for any reason. However you may link to the thread in question.
10) Never ever say or wish anyone a good morning! You will be banned OUTRIGHT for such a gross and untrue

Now most offenses will be handled on a case by case basis. Depending on the repetitiveness or severity of rule breaking
you could be looking at any thing from turn on your heartlight!s to suspension to our right banishment. All these rules
apply to every forum with the exception of the no holds bar debate forum which will be run on it’s own set of rules.
Although some topics and categories such as the art stuff with have it’s own rules on top of these ones. Ignorance of
the rules is no excuse it is your responsibility to read this before posting and hell most of it is just common sense any