Nerd Entertainment : A site dedicated to entertaining the common nerd 
I hope everyone is as excited as I am for the next addition in the Elder Scrolls series, Skyrim.  I am not only excited because I get another chance to waste my time away in a fantasy world filled with stealing, looting, dungeon exploring, spells and stories that will take you away, but I am also excited for all the additions that are being added into the series.  The dragon shouts seem to be one of the coolest features, I just love the idea of being dragon born and speaking the tongue of dragons.  To fill you in on more of the details about the game is the game Director, Todd Howard.(Courtesy of IGN)
This image is show at, it then takes you to where it shows you a list of games and a graph bar for each.  The reason for this is, if enough people buy The Potato Sack on Steam (A collection of various indie games), Portal 2 will be released early on Steam! So get out there and help GLaDOS reboot so we can all enjoy the game early, and in the mean time help those indie developers!
Valve released the details yesterday of how Steam will be coming to the PS3. This is all due to the release of Portal 2 next Tuesday which will be the first game to include Steam on the PS3. As of right now the advantages of having Steam on your PS3 will include cross-platform play which will allow you to play with players that may be playing on a Mac or PC, being able to save your current game to the Steam Cloud allowing you to pick up on your saved progress on any other PS3, and the main reason why people are picking up Portal 2 on the PS3 is because it includes an unlock for a PC or Mac version so it is pretty much like you are buying 3 copies of the game. 
Now for all of you Xbox 360 fanboys out there Steam says they would like to add Steam to Xbox Live but Microsoft has been hesitant. They are hoping the big showing of Portal 2 on the PS3 will persuade them into a deal. +
Is today Capcom day or what? Street Fighter X Tekken, announcing the new Arcade edition of Street Fighter IV will be the end of the series, and now a new Asura's Wrath trailer? Dang son. Now I honestly haven't heard a lot about this Asura's Wrath game before today, all I new was that "Hey, Capcom looks like they are making a God of War clone".(And don't get me started on clones, there is no such thing)  But now this Asura dude look a lot more like a BAMF than Kratos.  I mean in the trailer he fights a guy bigger than the planet, that's a lot cooler than fighting a titan. Just saiyan. But seriously, Asura, why you mad tho?
Marvel vs Capcom honestly never made a whole lot of sense to me. Ryu vs. Thor and Ryu can win? I call shenanigans. Thor is a god. Now, Street Fighter vs. Tekken? Yes. This could be huge. From the gameplay though it looks like all the Street Fighter IV graphics but maybe spruced up a bit. Judge for yourself! I think this game will honestly be a huge seller and if they get all the mechanics right between the two universes it could be one of the best fighters. 
Activision has officially announced the new map pack for the Black Ops "Escalation". Here is a brief description of the maps from Major Nelson himself.
In Multiplayer, battle it out in Hotel, on the roof of a Cuban luxury hotel and casino against the vivid backdrop of old Havana; Convoy delivers intense, close-quarters combat at the scene of an ambushed US military convoy; Zoo takes you on a wild ride in an abandoned Soviet Russian Zoo, with danger at every turn; Stockpilepits players in a remote Russian farm town housing secret WMD facilities.
For Zombies fans, “Escalation” features a unique Zombies experience.

New zombie map? Yes please. The 360 version will be released May 3rd while the PS3 and PC versions will be a month later.
Well I sure hope it is good. The selling points for Rise of Nightmares so far, is that it is scary, bloody and rated M.  Yes, a Mature rated Kinect game. I know, my heart skipped a bit too.  This is what the ESRB had to say about this game.

"This is a horror-adventure game in which players assume the role of an American tourist who must rescue his wife from a deranged scientist. From a first-person perspective, players use brass knuckles, knives, hatchets, and chainsaws to kill zombie-like creatures and disfigured monsters inside a mansion environment. Combat is highlighted by exaggerated sprays of blood, and damage often results in dismemberment or decapitation—stray body parts sometimes litter the ground.

Some sequences and cutscenes depict more intense acts of violence: a man screams loudly as spikes impale his body; a restrained character’s hand is chopped off before he is killed; a character (cut in half) crawls away in a pool of blood; a soldier is ripped apart by a monster, causing blood to stain the screen. During the course of the game, some female creatures are depicted in revealing outfits (e.g., ‘pasties’ that partially cover their breasts); in one sequence, a woman sits on the central character’s chest and engages in suggestive dialogue (e.g., ‘Oh, how I’ve thought of this—night after night. How I’ve missed these lips.’). Dialogue also includes phrases such as ‘Best sex of my life.’/'Worst sex of my life,’ ‘f**k,’ and ‘sh*t.’"

After reading that, I hope you got excited as I did. First person survivor horror game on the Kinect? Yeah, I am a lil bit excited.

So Dino D-Day was released yesterday on Steam. I am sure everyone is thinking "what the heck is that game?" Well, it's a game where Hitler has an army of dinosaurs. Yeah, mind = blown. This game has a single player, and a multiplayer. The multiplayer is totally the highlight of the game. Why, you may ask? You can be dinosaurs, more specifically a bad@$$ one.  A Desmatosuchus with a tank on it's back? A Raptor that can bite people head off? A Dilophosaur that can throw sheep at enemies? Yes. Sign me up. This game is $19.99 at the moment. I remain hesitant to buy it until I see some solid reviews, but I am about to take the plunge. I mean seriously, what an awesome idea. Expect to see more from this game. Maybe add-ons with extra dinos?
Gamestop has been offering a sale lately that is called the Power Saver Sale and honestly there is a bunch of good games in it and starting tomorrow more games will be added to the sale, so all the thrifty gamers out there should definitely check it out. Also tomorrow is the last day for the buy 2 get 1 game free sale as well, so everyone should gobble up the deals while you can, cause all your extra money will surely be spent on gas!
Love RPG's? Have a 360? Think your Avatar is better looking than you? Well then check out the upcoming Indie game Avatar Legends. It is a user created RPG world that lets you build your own story, quests, world and share it with the world.  They say there will be a 10+ hour long single player story, and you can also play up to 6 player co-op. This looks to be an amazing game