Nerd Entertainment : A site dedicated to entertaining the common nerd 
    The Pittsburgh Film Office announced yesterday that The Dark Knight Rises will be shot in the city, selected by director Christopher Nolan because of its architecture and diverse locations. Nolan tells us, “Pittsburgh is a beautiful city, We have been able to find everything we were looking for here and I am excited to spend the summer in Pittsburgh with our final installment of Batman."
    WB reports that the the movie will be filming for about 4 to 6 weeks in the city, around the downtown area and a few others undisclosed spots. So if you want to see the making the The Dark Knight Rises make sure to take a nice vacation to Pittsburgh this summer.
    Amongst Pittsburgh, The movie will also be set to film in London, New York City, and Los Angeles. The Film stars Christian Bale, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine. The Movie is set to open July 20th 2012.