Nerd Entertainment : A site dedicated to entertaining the common nerd 

(This is not a political piece. I don't have any true desire to sway your votes. I am not serious about this whatsoever! It is just an attempt at "What if" fictional politics.)

    Its almost 2012 which means it’s almost time for presidential elections once again. But who’s tired of the lying, the un-kept promises, and the downgrading campaign commercial ads? I know I am. A wise man once said "Humans have a knack for choosing precisely the things that are worst for them." That man was Albus Dumbledore.

    All of you are affected by the politics of our country. All of you will feel the repercussions of their mistakes and the warmth of their success. Isn’t it time we take control of our destination?

    I may just be a college student that likes to read comics but I want to make a difference. I want America to head in a different direction. I’ve done plenty of research on the subject. And today I will tell you why Albus Dumbledore would be the greatest president our nation has ever seen.
“Who is Albus Dumbledore?”

    Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was born in Mould-on-the-Wold, England. According to, while no one knows the exact date of his birth or the month; it is believe that he was born sometime between July and August of 1881. Albus was born to Kendra and Percival Dumbledore. His mother was a muggle which made Albus a half-blood. Now at this point if you are unaware, Albus Dumbledore is a wizard. And muggle is the common term for a non-magical human being.

In 1892 Dumbledore attended his first year at Hogwarts (a school for wizardry and witchcraft) where he was placed in the house of Gryffindor (the house of the courageous). He excelled greatly and started to become one of the greatest wizards the world has ever seen. After a terrible accident where Dumbledore’s mother died and later on his sister as well, Albus moves on to become the Transfigurations teacher at Hogwarts. And in 1956 becomes the headmaster of Hogwarts. Albus Dumbledore is also the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. The Wizengamot is the high-court of wizarding law in England. Dumbledore was a great man. He stood for justice and truth. When other elders of the Wizengamot condemned people to a terrible sentence in Azkaban (The wizard/witch prison) without further looking into things, Albus looked deeper to find truth and justice. Many times which he cleared innocent names.

    Truth and Justice. How many people in our government can be mentioned in the same sentence as those words? According to only 22 percent of Americans say they can trust the government. 1 of every 3 people say they believe the government is a major threat to their personal freedoms.

Why is it that we can’t have just an honest good man as one of our key political figures?

    I recently saw a new movie called The Adjustment Bureau. In the movie the main character is a politician and he’s running to become a Senator. The man was honest, true to the bones, and sincerely cared about people. Why must that character be just a piece of fiction?

    Our politics today have too much “politics” involved. Albus Dumbledore would never resort to putting out campaign commercials that attack his opponent. These commercials are sad. I don’t understand how we should vote for a man that repeatedly attacks his opponent. I don’t want a man that cowardly bashes the opposition instead of just telling the nation why he is the right man for the job.

    Sure, we’ve had some great presidents but none of which are always truthful and just. And as time moves forward are politicians are becoming more and more crooked, wanting power before peace. And, no, I'm not attacking Obama, but if I was I’d attack Bush too. I know that no man is perfect but I can’t help but think we have better options out there.

    Today’s politicians in America are in the decline of honest good men. It’s time for our nation to move into it's brightest day, and leave it's blackest night, let no evil  escape our sight, let those who worship evils might, beware his power Green Lantern's light! It’s time for Green Lantern!!!...(Sorry that was in my head) I mean it's time for Albus Dumbledore.

    Albus Dumbledore is a man of the people. He stands for all that is right in the world. As I said earlier, Dumbledore was the Chief Warlock of Wizengamot. He can easily handle the position of high political power. He understands the common man and strives to make the world a better place.

    Dumbledore was once offered the position of Minister of Magic (which is like the prime minister), but turned it down because he felt that the children were the most important key to the nation. So no doubt would Dumbledore create a better and more effective school system if he was our President. As the President he would help get rid of our mess of a congress and make our supreme court one of the most well respected forms of government in the world.

    Many think he would not be able to handle the war on terror, due to his kind-hearted nature, but I’d like to introduce you to a man named Tom Riddle or more commonly known as Lord Voldemort. Voldemort is the most dangerous terrorist the world has seen to the point where some would call him the Anti-Christ. Dumbledore not only
Spoiler Alert! Spoiler Alert!
So let’s go over this revelation of what our country could have seen.

    We talked about who Dumbledore is, our politics today, and why Dumbledore would be our nation’s greatest President to date. I encourage all of you to think about what I’ve told you today. Do you want a Lord Voldemort in our Presidential office or a man like Albus Dumbledore? So when you are voting at the polls, think to yourself “Is this man an equal to what Dumbledore could be?”

    As Dumbledore once said, "Time is making fools of us again." Don’t let time make fools of us. We know the pattern of politics. If you cannot find a Presidential candidate that is equal to the greatness of Albus Dumbledore then ask yourself “Who would Dumbledore vote for?” or better yet “What would Dumbledore do?”
3/26/2012 10:30:44 am


3/31/2012 08:56:07 pm

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<p>This is a good choice for <a href="">Herve leger</a> have a unique and sophisticated taste.Now that men are <a href="">herve leger dress</a> color in their accessories and in the clothing they wear, Burberry has a variety of belts that come in different colors and intricate designs so as to give men a wider selection. This has therefore made the Burberry belts for men become a favorite for young men as the colorful belts make them look more energetic and fun loving.The <a href="">herve leger sale</a> belts are some of the most colorful belts in the market today. However, this does not mean that you will not find Burberry belts that are similar to the traditional belts. This company has made sure that there is a belt every man - even the most conservative. Although the <a href="">burberry sale</a> belts for men designs are subject to change every now and then, the incredible quality and durability of these belts has remained uncompromised.</p>
<p>Any man who wants to be a <a href="">herve leger outlet</a> appreciates fashion knows that the Burberry belts for men are a must-have in his collection of accessories. These belts are a style icon that can transform any man’s jaded look into a glamorous one. This may be hard to imagine but a Burberry belt has the capability to change your mood for the better! You can now visit the most credible online stores to buy this classy accessory at the most affordable price available in the market. Elegant and <a href="">christian louboutin sale</a> looks are bound to be yours and people are bound to take notice once they see the fine tastes you have in choosing belts – who said that the simple belt can’t exude style?A belt is a piece of clothing mainly used to support trousers and other like articles of clothing. Burberry has come up with a variety of Burberry belts for men which can be used as functional fashion accessories to add that finishing touch to a man’s dressing. The fact that society now expects men to dress in a more <a href="">christian louboutin canada</a> style only goes to stress how important it is for every man to have this piece of accessory in his wardrobe.</p>
<p>All Burberry belts for men <a href="">christian louboutin</a> of the finest quality leather. It is without a doubt that <a href="">gucci australia</a> are the epitome of attitude and class as they are beautiful designer belts that have become quite popular all over the world. Burberry belts are very elite, unique, and chic. One of the most outstanding designs of the Burberry belts is the signature Burberry checks. This is a good choice for men who have a unique and sophisticated taste.Now that men are appreciating color in their accessories and in the clothing they wear, Burberry has a variety of belts that come in different colors and <a href="">gucci sale</a> designs so as to give men a wider selection. This has <a href="">gucci outlet</a> the Burberry belts for men become a favorite for young men as the colorful belts make them look more energetic and fun loving.The Burberry belts are some of the most colorful belts in the market today. However, this does not mean that you will not find Burberry belts that are similar to the traditional belts. This company has made sure that there is a belt every man - even the most conservative. Although the Burberry belts for men designs are subject <a href="">burberry canada</a> every now and then, the incredible quality and durability of these belts has <a href="">burberry outlet</a> uncompromised.</p>

4/10/2012 10:00:41 am

<p>This is a good choice for <a href="">Herve leger</a> have a unique and sophisticated taste.Now that men are <a href="">herve leger dress</a> color in their accessories and in the clothing they wear, Burberry has a variety of belts that come in different colors and intricate designs so as to give men a wider selection. This has therefore made the Burberry belts for men become a favorite for young men as the colorful belts make them look more energetic and fun loving.The <a href="">herve leger sale</a> belts are some of the most colorful belts in the market today. However, this does not mean that you will not find Burberry belts that are similar to the traditional belts. This company has made sure that there is a belt every man - even the most conservative. Although the <a href="">burberry sale</a> belts for men designs are subject to change every now and then, the incredible quality and durability of these belts has remained uncompromised.</p>
<p>Any man who wants to be a <a href="">herve leger outlet</a> appreciates fashion knows that the Burberry belts for men are a must-have in his collection of accessories. These belts are a style icon that can transform any man’s jaded look into a glamorous one. This may be hard to imagine but a Burberry belt has the capability to change your mood for the better! You can now visit the most credible online stores to buy this classy accessory at the most affordable price available in the market. Elegant and <a href="">christian louboutin sale</a> looks are bound to be yours and people are bound to take notice once they see the fine tastes you have in choosing belts – who said that the simple belt can’t exude style?A belt is a piece of clothing mainly used to support trousers and other like articles of clothing. Burberry has come up with a variety of Burberry belts for men which can be used as functional fashion accessories to add that finishing touch to a man’s dressing. The fact that society now expects men to dress in a more <a href="">christian louboutin canada</a> style only goes to stress how important it is for every man to have this piece of accessory in his wardrobe.</p>
<p>All Burberry belts for men <a href="">christian louboutin</a> of the finest quality leather. It is without a doubt that <a href="">gucci australia</a> are the epitome of attitude and class as they are beautiful designer belts that have become quite popular all over the world. Burberry belts are very elite, unique, and chic. One of the most outstanding designs of the Burberry belts is the signature Burberry checks. This is a good choice for men who have a unique and sophisticated taste.Now that men are appreciating color in their accessories and in the clothing they wear, Burberry has a variety of belts that come in different colors and <a href="">gucci sale</a> designs so as to give men a wider selection. This has <a href="">gucci outlet</a> the Burberry belts for men become a favorite for young men as the colorful belts make them look more energetic and fun loving.The Burberry belts are some of the most colorful belts in the market today. However, this does not mean that you will not find Burberry belts that are similar to the traditional belts. This company has made sure that there is a belt every man - even the most conservative. Although the Burberry belts for men designs are subject <a href="">burberry canada</a> every now and then, the incredible quality and durability of these belts has <a href="">burberry outlet</a> uncompromised.</p>

4/10/2012 10:01:33 am

<p>This is a good choice for <a href="">Herve leger</a> have a unique and sophisticated taste.Now that men are <a href="">herve leger dress</a> color in their accessories and in the clothing they wear, Burberry has a variety of belts that come in different colors and intricate designs so as to give men a wider selection. This has therefore made the Burberry belts for men become a favorite for young men as the colorful belts make them look more energetic and fun loving.The <a href="">herve leger sale</a> belts are some of the most colorful belts in the market today. However, this does not mean that you will not find Burberry belts that are similar to the traditional belts. This company has made sure that there is a belt every man - even the most conservative. Although the <a href="">burberry sale</a> belts for men designs are subject to change every now and then, the incredible quality and durability of these belts has remained uncompromised.</p>
<p>Any man who wants to be a <a href="">herve leger outlet</a> appreciates fashion knows that the Burberry belts for men are a must-have in his collection of accessories. These belts are a style icon that can transform any man’s jaded look into a glamorous one. This may be hard to imagine but a Burberry belt has the capability to change your mood for the better! You can now visit the most credible online stores to buy this classy accessory at the most affordable price available in the market. Elegant and <a href="">christian louboutin sale</a> looks are bound to be yours and people are bound to take notice once they see the fine tastes you have in choosing belts – who said that the simple belt can’t exude style?A belt is a piece of clothing mainly used to support trousers and other like articles of clothing. Burberry has come up with a variety of Burberry belts for men which can be used as functional fashion accessories to add that finishing touch to a man’s dressing. The fact that society now expects men to dress in a more <a href="">christian louboutin canada</a> style only goes to stress how important it is for every man to have this piece of accessory in his wardrobe.</p>
<p>All Burberry belts for men <a href="">christian louboutin</a> of the finest quality leather. It is without a doubt that <a href="">gucci australia</a> are the epitome of attitude and class as they are beautiful designer belts that have become quite popular all over the world. Burberry belts are very elite, unique, and chic. One of the most outstanding designs of the Burberry belts is the signature Burberry checks. This is a good choice for men who have a unique and sophisticated taste.Now that men are appreciating color in their accessories and in the clothing they wear, Burberry has a variety of belts that come in different colors and <a href="">gucci sale</a> designs so as to give men a wider selection. This has <a href="">gucci outlet</a> the Burberry belts for men become a favorite for young men as the colorful belts make them look more energetic and fun loving.The Burberry belts are some of the most colorful belts in the market today. However, this does not mean that you will not find Burberry belts that are similar to the traditional belts. This company has made sure that there is a belt every man - even the most conservative. Although the Burberry belts for men designs are subject <a href="">burberry canada</a> every now and then, the incredible quality and durability of these belts has <a href="">burberry outlet</a> uncompromised.</p>

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